4th Monday of every month at 7PM
YMCA Bedford
2801 Forest Ridge Dr, Bedford 76021
The best place to turn in is at the Post Office off Hardwood, Doug Rivers Dr.
From 183- Take Bedford Rd. to Forest Ridge, left to Harwood- Take a left onto Harwood -
Left at the post office red light onto Doug River Dr.- 2nd street- parking lot on the right.
From 121 -Take Harwood drive past Forest ridge - Left at the post office red light onto Doug River dr. 2nd street -parking lot on the right North Richland Hill, Keller, Colleyville
From 26 -Take Brown Tr. to Harwood Rd. Go to the red light. At the post office take a right on Doug Rivers dr. The 2nd street on the right will take you to the parking lot.
4th Monday of every month at 7PM
YMCA Bedford
2801 Forest Ridge Dr, Bedford 76021
The best place to turn in is at the Post Office off Hardwood, Doug Rivers Dr.
From 183- Take Bedford Rd. to Forest Ridge, left to Harwood- Take a left onto Harwood -
Left at the post office red light onto Doug River Dr.- 2nd street- parking lot on the right.
From 121 -Take Harwood drive past Forest ridge - Left at the post office red light onto Doug River dr. 2nd street -parking lot on the right North Richland Hill, Keller, Colleyville
From 26 -Take Brown Tr. to Harwood Rd. Go to the red light. At the post office take a right on Doug Rivers dr. The 2nd street on the right will take you to the parking lot.
february 2025 competition entries

Photographic Opportunity Inventory
The Fort Worth Camera Club and The Dallas Camera Club are working on a project to create a master list of photo locations. The collection is being called a Photographic Opportunity Inventory.
Our Club, too, has been invited to participate and add information about some of our favorite locations to the listing.
Initially the listing of locations will be concentrated around the DFW area, but in the future we expect it to expand and include locations far-and-wide. That’s why when you look at the site and the instructions you’ll see “Country_State” in the trip name field.
Club members will use a template to standardize the Information that will help members of the participating clubs find the location if they want to visit and take some photos there.
A template example and a blank template link below takes you to the Dallas Camera Club website for templates. There is also a link to the instructions for TAPC members.
Here is a PDF template example
Here is a PDF blank template
Template Instructions
Here is a Microsoft Word Doc Template Example
Here is a Microsoft Word Doc Blank Template
Here is the Dallas Camera Club Website for templates and instructions if there is something that you need help with.
The master list of photo locations will be arranged in alphabetical order by country, state, and city. If the photo location is not in a city, it will be listed under the nearest city. Thus, if you are going
to a particular city or to a location close to a city to take some photographs, you can check the list under that city to find some photo locations you might want to visit.
The list can be accessed by this link.
For our club Bill Webb has volunteered to be the coordinator of this project. You can contact Bill via email at [email protected]. When you complete a photographic opportunity sheet send it to Bill and he will coordinate with the DCC to get it added to the collection.
We need all our members to get to work filling out templates for photo locations to add to the master list. You don’t need to make a new trip to submit a template. Just fill out some templates based on your past trips and submit them to Bill so we will have a long list of places to pursue our hobby.
Please Make Your Submissions Soon.
Our Club, too, has been invited to participate and add information about some of our favorite locations to the listing.
Initially the listing of locations will be concentrated around the DFW area, but in the future we expect it to expand and include locations far-and-wide. That’s why when you look at the site and the instructions you’ll see “Country_State” in the trip name field.
Club members will use a template to standardize the Information that will help members of the participating clubs find the location if they want to visit and take some photos there.
A template example and a blank template link below takes you to the Dallas Camera Club website for templates. There is also a link to the instructions for TAPC members.
Here is a PDF template example
Here is a PDF blank template
Template Instructions
Here is a Microsoft Word Doc Template Example
Here is a Microsoft Word Doc Blank Template
Here is the Dallas Camera Club Website for templates and instructions if there is something that you need help with.
The master list of photo locations will be arranged in alphabetical order by country, state, and city. If the photo location is not in a city, it will be listed under the nearest city. Thus, if you are going
to a particular city or to a location close to a city to take some photographs, you can check the list under that city to find some photo locations you might want to visit.
The list can be accessed by this link.
For our club Bill Webb has volunteered to be the coordinator of this project. You can contact Bill via email at [email protected]. When you complete a photographic opportunity sheet send it to Bill and he will coordinate with the DCC to get it added to the collection.
We need all our members to get to work filling out templates for photo locations to add to the master list. You don’t need to make a new trip to submit a template. Just fill out some templates based on your past trips and submit them to Bill so we will have a long list of places to pursue our hobby.
Please Make Your Submissions Soon.
THE TRINITY ARTS PHOTO CLUB OFFERSPhoto Competitions Monthly Meetings and Programs Forum for Photographers Community Projects Opportunities to Exhibit Photography Field Trips MEETING DATE & TIME We meet at 7:00pm on the fourth Monday of the month. (except December.) |
If you like to take pictures and want to join our fun group of photographers, please fill out the membership form below.
We meet on the 4th Monday of the month at 7PM ![]()